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camping with pets
There are a few things to consider before camping with pets. It might seem like a simple task, but there are a few factors you need to consider and prepare for if you do.

Camping With Pets Permitted At Your Location?

Depending on where you plan on camping, some places do not allow pets. Most RV campgrounds have strict rules and policies regarding pets. some places allow cats (providing they are inside RV at all times) while dogs are not allowed.
As far as remote tent camping, some state parks do not allow dogs.
Please be sure to check the rules and policies pertaining to camping with pets before heading out.

Preparing Your Pet For Camping

Before you head out to your campsite, you will want to apply flea and tick treatment as well as pack any medication your dog may be on.
Packing a brush for daily grooming will help ensure daily inspection for ticks, bites or scratches they may get infected without prompt treatment.

Food & Water

This seems pretty straight forward but you would be surprised how often this gets overlooked. How you treat and store pet food will differ depending on your camping method.
Are you camping in an RV or a camper? If so then store your pet food inside as well as feed your pt inside the camper when possible.
 Are you camping out in the woods in a tent? In this case, your want to store the pet food in a tightly seal-able container. do not leave any pet food in the food bowl after each feeding. If your pet doesn’t eat everything in the bowl, dump the rest into a seal-able container. You do not want to attract unwanted wildlife into your camping spot.
Also remember to pack extra water for your pet if you are camping in the woods. Campgrounds have water spigots, so you will have plenty of water there.

Sleeping Arrangements

It is never a good idea to allow your dog to sleep outside overnight while camping. So you plan on having him, her sleep inside the camper, RV, or tent with you. Not all pets are the same, some get anxious and nervous when they are in new places. Hopefully you know your pet and have prepared for such a situation. Does your pet like sleeping with you or do they have their own bed? If they prefer their own bed, hopefully you packed it so they have something familiar to sleep on. I realize this topic may seem like a no brainier, but it is easy to overlook when you are first planning a camping trip.

Dealing with Pet Waste

When camping with pets, dealing with poop is a must. At campgrounds, this goes without saying that you need to clean up after your pets. But did you know, even if you are out tent camping in the woods, it is wise to do the same? Digging a hole and burying the waste helps keep yourself or someone else from accidentally stepping in it and tracking it thru your tent. It also helps from attracting flies and other insects from gathering around your campsite. And in some wilderness areas, will help prevent attracting unwanted animals.

Handling Excessive Barking

Dogs bark and there is not much we can do about it. But there are ways to help minimize excessive barking behavior while camping.
Does your dog bark at every moving thing or just a warning bark to let you know someone or something is in the area?
A few simple tricks that might help calm a barking dog. If you are camping in a campground and there is a lot of activity and no matter how many times you try to calm your dog but he keeps barking, try the following.
Have a place set up in your RV or camper that has their dog bed and turn on the radio just loud enough to help cover the outside noise, close any window curtains to prevent your beloved pup from getting distracted by movements that may send him into a barking frenzy.
 Does she have a favorite chew toy or bone? Make sure you bring that along on the camping trip. It can help as a pacifier to calm your anxious pet.
Maybe even introduce a new bone or chew toy if the favorite one doesn’t work. What ever it takes to keep your pet distracted from the people or noise from the next campsite over.

Rain and Wet Dog

But the forecast said it was supposed to be sunny all week!
Rain happens and almost always when we don’t want it.  Now your are stuck in your tent, camper, or RV passing the time by reading a book, playing cards, or watching a movie. (you glamper you) Your dog lets you know it needs to go out and do it’s business. You take it out and come back in.
 Great, now you have a wet dog that is seconds away from the famous water spraying shiver shake. Grab that old bath towel that no longer matches the rest but was to good to throw out. It is now your official pet towel for just such occasions. A good quick rub down nano seconds after coming in from outside will help prevent rain water all over the place.

Remember the Leash

Yup, a leash. If you allow your dog to roam freely on your property, it is easy to forget to pack a leash for your camping trip. Most campgrounds as well as state parks that allow dogs, require you to keep your dog leashed at all times. This is not a bad idea actually, considering some states will give you a hefty fine and possibly euthanize your dog if it runs freely and hurts or kills any wildlife.